Venue Endpoint

Venues are the top level container for count data. Each Venue is associated with one or more Zones . They

List All

GET /api/1.0/venues/

Get list of all venues that the api user has access to view or edit

Response JSON Object:
  • e.g. Retrieve Venue list:

GET /api/1.0/venues/ HTTP/1.1
apikey: 123456789
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

 "venues": [{
            "id": 1,
            "name": "Test Venue",
            "capacity": 625,
            "address": "1 Main Street",
            "city": "Toronto",
            "stateProvince": "Ontario",
            "postalCode": "N3C 2V4",
            "country": "Canada",
            "openOffset": 43200,
            "autoReset": false,
            "creator": "",
            "permissions": {
               "": ["read", "modify", "email_report"]
            "timezone": "Canada/Eastern",
            "zones": [

Venue Lookup by ID

GET /api/1.0/venues/{venue_id}

Get venue object with venue_id

Request JSON Object:
  • id – unique venue identifier

  • name – Full name of the venue (specified in settings)

  • capacity – Computed venue capacity (based on associated Zones)

  • address – Venue Address (specified in settings)

  • city – Venue Address (specified in settings)

  • stateProvince – Venue Address (specified in settings)

  • postalCode – Venue Address (specified in settings)

  • country – Venue Address (specified in settings)

  • openOffset – Seconds offset from local timezone midnight

  • autoReset – Is auto-reset enabled (resets venue counts at openOffset)

  • creator – user-email address for the venue ‘owner’

  • permissions – dictionary of user email to permission list. Permissions include: “read” - ability to access and view data, and “modify” - the ability to change venue settings, and “email_report” - the user has email reports enabled.

  • timezone – timezone definition (Olson timezone database) used to determine time displayed on devices as well as venue open and close times

  • zones – list of zone ids that are associated with this venue

  • e.g. Retrieve Venue 1

GET /api/1.0/venues/1 HTTP/1.1
apikey: 123456789
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

 "venue": {
            "id": 1,
            "name": "Test Venue",
            "capacity": 625,
            "address": "1 Main Street",
            "city": "Toronto",
            "stateProvince": "Ontario",
            "postalCode": "N3C 2V4",
            "country": "Canada",
            "openOffset": 43200,
            "autoReset": false,
            "creator": "",
            "permissions": {
               "": ["read", "modify", "email_report"]
            "timezone": "Canada/Eastern",
            "zones": [