Count At Time Endpoint

The atTime endpoint is intended to get the count at a point in time. This endpoint not intended to be polled – if you need the current count use the now endpoint instead.

GET /api/1.0/atTime/{venue_id}/{unix_timestamp}
  • venue_id – The ID of the Venue to query: this is the combined count of all non-subzone zones related to the Venue

  • unix_timestamp – The time of interest

  • e.g. Fetch current count for Venue 1 at UTC Midnight, January 1, 2020

    GET /api/1.0/atTime/1/1577836800 HTTP/1.1
    apikey: 123456789
    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json
    {"maleTotal": 100, "femaleTotal": 50}
GET /api/1.0/atTime/zone/{zone_id}/{unix_timestamp}
  • zone_id – The ID of the Zone to query: if not provided, we return the current combined venue count

  • e.g. Fetch current count for Zone 2 at UTC Midnight, January 1, 2020

    GET /api/1.0/attime/zone/2/1577836800 HTTP/1.1
    apikey: 123456789
    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json
    {"maleTotal": 0, "femaleTotal": 50}